
More sympathy, this time for the devil

The devil being Toronto, which we are commanded to hate, because, well, nobody actually knows. I always have fun when I visit. What's the deal?

Anyhow, I sympathize with my fellow hoopsters in Toronto right now because it looks as though 25 Raptor games won't be broadcast because Rogers cable doesn't carry TSN2.

My initial reaction to this news was "Whoopdee fuck. Neither do we, what's the big deal?"

Not only that, because Iqaluit Cable is completely retarded, we don't even get The Score, which is home to about 20 Raptor games and 40 more NBA contests. We get two channels of the CW (though one carries Clippers games, which is okay, I guess). Why not ditch the one that doesn't and carry The Score?

Or better yet, ditch the WORST television network in the country in NTV (Canada's Superstation-if you've been eating blotter acid for a week straight). Yeah yeah, we have lots of Newfies here. But you know what? More people like sports than like Newfoundland. That's an undeniable fact, so fuck Newfoundland.

Anyway, back to my initial reaction of whoopdee fuck. I changed my tune, because I remembered that our mayor and possibly-soon-to-be-MLA Elisapee Sheutiapik is good friends with Toronto mayor David Miller. I know that Elisapee's game is hockey, but maybe she and her friend could issue a joint call on behalf of their basketball constituencies for the respective cable systems to get with it.

She's running for office, so what's one more promise? Consider the gauntlet thrown down here mayors. Please help.

1 comment:

Mugsy Boz said...

Just in time for me to move to Toronto. My fucking luck huh?
I am basically moving to be closer to them, and they do this to me. Those cold, heartless bitches.